1. User privacy and security are our top priority. We do not sell or resell user information to anyone, except when explicitly required by law or legal authorities. We do not diclose user data to anyone but that user or to user's company only if the user is an employee of that company and the company assumed previously all responsibility to inform the user and protect user privacy as required by law. We comply overall with all applicable Canadian laws and regulations, therefore including Alberta's Personal Information Protection Act (https://www.alberta.ca/personal-information-protection-act.aspx).

2. Our cloud servers are located in Alberta, Canada in a secure facility with 24 /7 customer support (whipcord.com). Our backups are securely stored in Canada as well (sync.com).

3. Our Web and mobile applications use secure encryption (HTTPS) for communication. Passwords are stored in encrypted format. The information that we store in our servers is protected by security configurations, defining what an individual can provide (add), see (view), edit or delete. It is the responsibility of the customer (user) to assign the appropriate level of security to its personnel (users) and overall, what information is provided, stored and retrieved into / from our servers and shared with other parties. Even though we can make any change in the system, we do not intervene unless explicitly requested by valid (e.g. still employed by customer) and authorized personnel representing the customer. Essentially all changes made in the system are tracked automatically by our "fingerprinting" system, allowing to tell who modified or deleted data from database and when. As top priority, we make every reasonable effort to prevent any loss, misuse, disclosure or modification of personal information, as well as any unauthorized access to personal information.

4. We limit the access, collection, use, and sharing of personal or sensitive data acquired through the mobile app (EAGLE GPS Mobile) for the sole purpose of the app itself. The location data we collect is limited to the following: Mobile Device ID, Logged In User ID, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude (meters), Heading (degrees, 0..360), Speed (kmph), Timestamp (UTC); in addition, the IP address (with timestamp) used to log-in is stored as well, with the pupose of providing to him/her their login history - upon request, and to justify data changes. We do not serve advertising or any similar services and all data is only used within the application framework for user-anticipated functionality.

5. Background data transmission: our mobile application (EAGLE GPS Mobile) is designed to transmit "location data" (as defined above) in the background (and only that), only when explicitly enabled by user using the transmission parameters indicated: Server, Port Number, Protocol (TCP/IP or UDP), Frequency (seconds).

6. If customer services are cancelled, we continue to maintain customer data for the six following months after the cancellation date, after which all data is permanently deleted; we check in advance with the customer to find out if data needs to be deleted sooner / immediately or if it needs to be preserved for more than six months.

7. The Privacy Commissioner of Canada provides advice and information for individuals about protecting personal information, enforcing federal privacy laws that set out the rules for how federal government institutions and certain businesses must handle personal information (https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/contact-the-opc):
30, Victoria Street, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 1H3
Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376
Phone: (819) 994-5444
TTY: (819) 994-6591

8. The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta protects and promotes the access and privacy rights of all Albertans (https://www.oipc.ab.ca):
#410, 9925 - 109 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 2J8
Phone: 780-422-6860
Suite 2460, 801 6 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3W2
Phone: 403-297-2728

Toll-Free: 1-888-878-4044
Email: generalinfo@oipc.ab.ca